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Exceptional popularity of partnership projects in calls under the Environment, Energy and Climate Change Programme

All calls for proposals under the "Environment, Energy and Climate Change" Programme enable the implementation of projects with partners from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. Such a partnership is an opportunity to exchange experiences and gain new knowledge. Partnership projects are additionally scored during the project evaluation in each call under the Programme.

Well over 30 percent applications submitted in the calls for proposals have been planned for implementation in partnership with an institution from the donor states (Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway), including:

Climate area

  • 57% of projects were submitted in partnership in the call for proposals for the implementation of investments in the field of green-blue infrastructure in cities;
  • 44% of partnership projects were submitted in the call for carrying out awareness-raising activities on mitigating climate change.

Environment area

  • 42% of partner applications were submitted as part of the implementation of ecosystem management plans;
  • 25% of partnership projects were submitted in the call for increasing the protection of ecosystems against invasive alien species.

Small Grants Fund

  • 27% of the submitted projects assume the participation of a partner organization in the projects.

According to the assumptions of the 3rd edition of the EEA and Norway Grants, partnerships create an unique opportunity to establish cooperation with professional organizations from donor states. This gives a chance for gaining or expanding international experience, as well as increasing the presence and communication skills in an international environment.